Sunday, July 4, 2010

Politics of Elderly

Senior Citizens

No Vote Bank

By Vinod Varshney

Problem of elderly people is not getting enough attention from the Government and politics both in India. Though senior citizens in India are approximately ten percent of the society, it is amazing why politics did not pay attention to this section of voters. Problems are aplenty. No doctors in geriatric care. Not many teaching institutes for nursing care and doctors. No old age homes worth the name. No private-public partnership in this important area. Families are getting nuclear more and more. And elderly are lonely.

For the main-stream media problems of elderly are a non-issue. Last month World Elder Abuse Day came and went unreported in most of the mainstream media. A few NGOs drooling for money from international organizations did organize small public meetings. How much awareness can be created by such meetings, can be anybody’s guess.

I found time to attend one such public meeting held in India Habitat Centre, which has become a hub in New Delhi for NGO meetings. The odd fifty senior citizens, who came there, were all representatives of the affluent section of the society.

Real Problems of Elderly in Slums

After hearing a lot of grouse and resolve to fight for their dignity, security and comfort, finally Justice Rajendra Sachar, the chairperson did some plain talk. He told the gathering that such meetings should take place in slums as the real problems of the older people were there, where they really need government and society’s support. They get no medical treatment, no pension, virtually no income, and totally dependent on someone who might be earning only Rs 20 day to look after his entire family.

In the NGO meeting everybody spoke English except one who was laughed at and heckled. Elite section of the society is being made to believe courtesy UN organizations that the rights should be identified, perceived, orchestrated, demanded and fought for. This approach demands legislation, funding, bureaucracy, programs, research and high profile jobs.

Effective Can be Socio-Cultural Approach

The other approach can be socio-cultural. For this there can be only social indigenous endeavor which is lack-luster. One senior citizen mentioned also in the meeting in response to the allegations of cruelty of the younger generation in the families, that there should be a limit to what should be expected from younger generation.

Justice Sachar also mentioned that there should be some moral standards in the society. Thinking that a son will do a cruelty to his parents is horrible. It is not Indian tradition. But generation gap can be there, attitudinal gap can be there and generations should adjust.

“There remains a communication gap between older and younger people, but 65 % fault lies with elderly”, opined one senior citizen. Counseling system is therefore necessary, so that rather than taking recourse to law, children and elderly are counseled.

Neglect of Old Age Homes in Delhi

As job burden, thanks to MNCs in India is so much now on younger working couples that there is need for development of institutional support system. But in India stigma is attached to Old Age Homes. Moreover they are hopeless. Local BJP leader Poornima Sethi accused the Delhi Government for neglecting Old Age Homes in Delhi.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fruits Too Are Killers !

Fruits Too Are Killers

By Vinod Varshney

Doctors advise to have five servings of fruits every day. With the prevalence of ripening of fruits, especially mangoes, papayas and bananas by Calcium Carbide, it seems a dangerous proposition. Looks like it is not just Dow Chemical which killed and made sick thousands of people in Bhopal, our own fruit-dealers are busy doing that by inducing cancers among people.

There are no statistics on how many Indians get cancer because of just fruits ripening with Calcium Carbide. I am perplexed why the Government could think of out-lawing it through PFA Act so late.

Bigger question will remain how to enforce this new stipulation. Who will see that fruits are not ripened the wrong way? There should be some NGO with the help of Govt coming forward for mass awareness among this illiterate section of the society, the fruit-dealers.

Here English will not work. Only Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Oriya etc would do better. There should be TV ads in Indian languages advising against using Calcium Carbide.

To me, even more shocking is the revelation that safer Ethylene is not easily available to most fruit dealers. End result of the situation is-- I am unhappy as I was enjoying this season my mangoes daily, at least twice a day, now onwards I shall look at them with suspicion—Mangoes thou too!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Red Chili is Good For Heart

Spicy food with Red Chili
is Good for Heart
Writes Vinod Varshney

People in India may discard red chili in favour of green chili and black pepper, but the interest in red chili is increasing among scientists. It has not only been shown as having anti-obesity properties, but Dr. Kwon MJ and colleagues from the Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, Pusan National University, South Korea have shown that red chili can reduce blockages in heart arteries.
This was recently reported by Dr. Vinod Sharma in e-MediNews, the first Indian online medical newspaper. According to the report the Korean scientists studied the effect of red pepper supplementation on CETP activity, a protein based blood test.
In the study, one group of rabbits was fed cholesterol rich diet for 12 weeks, including red pepper powder. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, bad cholesterol ‘LDL’ and very bad cholesterol ‘VLDL’ were all found significantly lower in this group than in the other group which was not fed red chili at all.
Good cholesterol ‘HDL’ was also found significantly higher in the red pepper eating group. Doctors say HDL acts as a cleansing agent for the clogged arteries. This develops naturally in the blood of those people who resort to brisk walk daily.

Red Chilli is Not of Indian Origin
Red pepper is so much an integral part of Indian cuisine that most Indians think that it is of Indian origin. But it is not. Red chili had been native to Central and South America; Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, introduced this to Europe after finding it in the Caribbean. This was taken to Africa and Asia.

Its botanical name is Capsicum; the name chili came from Mexico. The active ingredient of the red chili is called capsaicin, a chemical which has propensity to combine with fats. This chemical is in fact responsible for producing a strong burning sensation in the mouth.

Scientists have shown that capsaicin may cause burning sensation in mouth but it offers protection against peptic ulcers, and against injury to the stomach lining caused by aspirin. This chemical is now being explored as a possible protective for Type 1 diabetes also by researchers in Toronto because of a suspected link between the nerves and diabetes.

Ayurveda utilizes red chili to treat poor digestion and gas. Chinese medicine also uses it for digestive ailments. The science behind is simple: spicy food with chili stimulates the flow of stomach secretions and saliva. These secretions help digest food.

Red chili is the greatest herb for blood circulation

“Red chili is the greatest herbal aid to blood circulation and can be used on a regular basis”, says Dr. Richard Schulze, renowned medical herbalist. He says that "If you master only one herb in your life, then master red chili. It is more powerful than any other. It increases your blood circulation immediately within seconds, more than any other herb.”

He recommends the book "The Health Benefits of Cayenne" by John Heinerman. Cayenne is another name of red chili.

Some people might experience burning sensation after eating food spiced with red pepper, but this problem is relieved by taking cold milk.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Energy Drinks Pose Health Risks

Energy Drinks are
New Health Risk
to Children

By Vinod Varshney

Energy drinks are a new threat to the health of Indian children, pregnant and lactating mothers. India has in recent years has seen plethora of energy drinks—Red Bull, Cloud-9, Burn, SoBe and Gatorade. They are being heavily marketed to young adults. According to industry data the market of energy drink is increasing by 60 percent per year.

The name ‘energy drinks’ is a misnomer as it gives the impression that this should be taken to get energy. In the name of energy they have just sugar, which may lead to obesity. These drinks are of course fortified with vitamins such as, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 and other substances. But they are caffeinated also for mental alertness.

The way energy drinks are being heavily promoted in bars or for use in combination with alcohol, this has become a potential health risk to Indians. Caffeine used in conjunction with alcoholic can have additional adverse impact on health.

Mental Alertness Through Caffeine is Harmful

Caffeine is a stimulant to nerves which gives a feeling of alertness. But there are detrimental effects which have been identified by several studies. The scientific community has been rightly concerned at the potential access to caffeinated beverages by children.

In August 2008, a study conducted by the Cardiovascular Research Centre at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia found that energy drinks could increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

If you take caffeine more than 200 mg a day for a long period, intoxication can result with symptoms like rapid heart rate, anxiety, insomnia, nausea and restlessness. When you do not get the energy drink, there are withdrawal symptoms like irritability and lack of alertness.

Pregnant Women Should Avoid

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is proposing that pregnant women and lactating mothers be discouraged from consuming these drinks. There are studies which say that more than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day have about twice the risk of miscarriage.

The manufacturers claim that these drinks have less caffeine than coffee. A 250 ml energy drink has only 75 mg caffeine which is same as is found in tea. The same quantity of coffee will have 100 mg and filtered coffee may have even up to 140 mg.

These energy drinks can also be vegetarian or non-vegetarian depending upon the source of its ingredients. Therefore there is a demand for labeling them.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Prevent Stress From Anti-Virus Softwares

Use Anti-virus Softwares

To Prevent Stress

Reports Vinod Varshney

Diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep-less nights, heart diseases, joint pains, irritability, aggresion, lack of concentration, hair fall, early greying of hairs and many more such curses are outcome of every day stress. But all will say that in today’s competitive world there is no escape in everyday life from stress.

Medicines and psycho-therapy may not relieve you from stress as much as time-tested spiritual solutions, which have capacity to alter your behavior, the way you think, speak and conduct.

Many solution were suggested in a two-day workshop on “Preventing Stress” organized by Heart Care Foundation of India and Brahma Kumaris, at Om Shanti Retreat Centre, Manesar

Dr K.K. Agrawal, President Heart Care Foundation of India, gave an analogy comparing human body with computer. He asserted that one had to keep the body, which was like a computer, free from viruses like perverted sexual thoughts, envy, anger, greed, attachment and ego.

Human Computer Needs Protection From Viruses

“Just as an electronic computer runs on an operating system like “windows”, human body also works on an operating system called soul. Human mind is like Microsoft’s “word” which records feelings and emotions while intellect is like “excel”, yet another software program which quickly analyses and calculates”

Body functions well so long as there is no attack of viruses on the soul which is divine and pure. Once there is some attack of a virus, stress occurs and anxiety, anger and depression follow. The solution is -- protect yourself from soul damaging viruses, with the help of a robust anti-virus software like Norton, suggests Dr Agrawal.

If your mind is already infected with viruses then clean your mind up with anti-virus spiritual softwares. Dr Agrawal described in detail some half a dozen efficacious softwares from “Bhagvad Gita”, “Sahaj Yog”, “Gayatri Mantra” to “Alopathic Pranayam”among others.

Bhastrika Pranayam Can Cause Death

He warned against Bhastrika Pranayam, made immensely popular in the country by Baba Ramdev. He cautioned that Bhastrika Pranayam should be practiced by persons older than 40 years only in the supervision of an expert. There have been deaths also because of Bhastrika Pranayam, says cardiologist Dr Agrawal.

“After your mind is cleaned up with anti-virus softwares, then you need to reformat your computer by meditation.” Meditation techniques were explained and instant training was given during the workshop.

Defending his spiritual prescriptions to prevent stress, he averred that allopathy (modern system of medicine) was in any way not against spiritualism.